Children in Hospital

Children in Hospital

Categories: Charity  

01 290 3510

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Children in Hospital Ireland was founded in 1970. They mobilise a volunteer force of 500+ dedicated individuals who are drawn from local communities. CIH volunteers are a consistent presence in 14 hospital paediatric units across Ireland. Volunteers provide fun, respite, a listening ear: mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends year-round. Covid-19 had a significant impact in paediatric health settings of course with playrooms having closed in early 2020 and many have not yet re-opened which makes the days very long and difficult and parents don’t get a break. CIH volunteers are in high demand and are providing bedside play with children and a short respite for volunteers To help provide some respite, Children in Hospital Ireland resource and provide infection control safe, age-appropriate play packs to 22 paediatric units across the country. CIH is the only organisation to provide comprehensive support to all children and families facing childhood illness. They are not tied to any one illness group or speciality. They work in collaboration with patient organisations for children including those dealing with: cancer, diabetes, rare diseases, spina bifida hydrocephalus, epilepsy, down syndrome, congenital heart disease, neonatal health, mental health & many others. Recent research carried out by CIH has shown there is a huge gap here in terms of support needed for parents. More to do.

Suite 113 4-5 Burton Hall Rd, Sandyford Business District, Sandyford ,
Eircode: D18A094

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